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2024-04-16 22:41:29

Finally figured out how to get a proper DKIM record for my grandfathered free Windows Live Domains email hosting! (I think.) Detect all selectors for the MX record server hostname ( and then use that in the domain's DNS records for DKIM:
2024-04-16 07:00:25

Electron densities of Transition Region Loops derived from IRIS O IV spectral data
Shiyu Liang, Ziyuan Wang, Zhenghua Huang, Hengyuan Wei, Hui Fu, Ming Xiong, Lidong Xia
2024-04-07 18:36:26

1. #Jezioro Lubiewo, nieopodal stacji #Drawiny.…

Kolejne zdjęcie jeziora.

Od lewej krawędzi do połowy zdjęcia widać pobliski, przeciwległy brzeg, którego krawędź porośnięta jest lasem. Wierzchy sosen tworzą równą, ciemnozieloną linię, poniżej przerywaną brązem pni z jaśniejszą zielenią igieł. Przy lewej krawędzi rośnie też żółta trawa.

Od połowy jezioro skręca w dal. W oddali widać kolejny brzeg porośnięty lasem, bardziej w prawo dominuje jaśniejsza zieleń.

W pobliżu z wody rosną liczne, lecz niezbyt gęste źdźbła trawy. Lekko prześwituje z…
Drzewo pokryte gęstym, zielonym mchem. Wąski pień nisko poszerza się i rozdziela na kilka konarów, które rosną prawie pionowo, za wyjątkiem jednego węższego, który mocno odbija w lewo. Mech pokrywa je prawie ciągłym dywanem do wysokości nieco powyżej podziału, dalej występuje w kępach na szarobrązowej korze. Ziemia zasypana jest pomarańczowobrązowymi liśćmi, w pobliżu drzewa pokryta zielonymi, niskimi roślinkami.
Kolejne jezioro. Przeciwległy brzeg pokryty jest brązowozielonym lasem sosnowym, który zdaje się być niższy po prawej stronie, pewnie dlatego, że brzeg się oddala. Ziemia jest oświetlona, pokazując pomarańczowobrązowe liście. Niebo jest błękitne, odbija się w półprzezroczystej wodzie, przez którą przebija się też zielonkawe dno. Niedaleko z wody wystaje pojedyncza gałąź.
Ścieżka pośrodku lasu. Po bokach rosną wysokie drzewa, których wąskie brązowe pnie otoczone są gęstymi, jasnozielonymi liśćmi. Ziemia pokryta jest pomarańczowobrązowymi liśćmi, przy ścieżce leży kilka omszałych kłód. Z góry prześwituje błękitnobiałe niebo. Obraz wydaje się bardzo jaskrawy.
2024-05-13 15:13:16

Another great example of (charitably) Kruger-Dunning (or more realistically, towering naivity) among the vljmstoligy community.
The reason GHG emissions still aren't falling far or fast enough to avoid global catastrophe is "lack of political will" and "corporate vested interests". The fact is that governments of even nations with undemocratic and tyrannical regimes are in the hands of the populace in the medium to long term. How long would, say, Putin remain in power if he announced a ten year programme to tax meat to the point it's a rare luxury reserved for the wealthy, to transition from petrol and diesel fuels, a crash programme to dump coal and gas for power generation and heating and roll out renewables, abolishing hidden subsidies for concrete manufactures to ensure the the emission externalities are priced in, virtual bans on civilian aviation and so on? Certainly there'd be an interesting Keynesian multiplier effect from all the expenditure and investment*, but he'd still be dangling from a metaphorical lamppost within a few years.
*actually the debt incurred would cause huge inflation.
The other big problem, still, is lack of public understanding. There's "awareness", but here are still huge misapprehension. Eg., many people still seem to think thst net zero would mean a return to mid-20thC climates; people still don't grasp the consequences of passing major tipping thresholds, or that many climate elements (ice sheet melting, ocean circulations,..) have multi-decadal or multi-century lags before reaching a final equilibrium. And they still have no clue how fragile civilisation is, or what life in 2100 -- or 2050! - will be like.
I remain more optimistic than I was 25y ago when I first started taking an interest, though. 2.5°C still looks plausible to me, if current reductions continue to accelerate, given a few weather megadisasters to chivvy us along.
2024-04-16 07:00:25

Electron densities of Transition Region Loops derived from IRIS O IV spectral data
Shiyu Liang, Ziyuan Wang, Zhenghua Huang, Hengyuan Wei, Hui Fu, Ming Xiong, Lidong Xia
2024-03-10 07:04:04

Incel CS lecturer at Waterloo
I don't know what to say
"In academia, dating and romantic/sexual relationship between professors and students is controversial"
Yes. Yes it is.
"There is clearly a world-wide bias in judgmental decisions for accusing males, compared to females, in harassments. It may be because males usually ask out and show interest in females and females may take it as an offense."
Okay so has anyone explained to you the concept of power dynamics and unethical abuse of authority roles?
"A funny thing is that once, in a seminar for teaching assistants in the University of Waterloo, they told us that teaching
assistants should not date students. I asked about the case of John Nash. The professor answered me that they married
after the student graduated (which I think is not true). Then, I answered even if that is true, did they suddenly get
married without any dating? Of course, they dated before that, while she was a student! I think they themselves know
that this rule is nonfunctional because if the professor/instructor and the student are both single, they may like each
other or fall in love as they interact frequently in the school. This rule was even criticised in the American comedy show "Friends" (season 6, episode 18)."
Ok, there's a lot to unpack here, but the main bit is this: Do you understand that the sitcom "Friends" is not a good source for understanding ethics?
2024-03-12 07:02:05

Spinfoams, $\gamma$-duality and parity violation in primordial gravitational waves
Eugenio Bianchi, Monica Rincon-Ramirez
2024-04-12 07:02:44

Finite-temperature renormalization of Standard Model coupled with gravity, and its implications for cosmology
I. Y. Park
2024-02-28 22:15:44

Lady of the Sea.
2 FREE wallpapers for you to use.
Also uploaded to my Ko-fi completely uncompressed (Mastodon compresses images) for free here: #MidJourneyArt

An artistic scene with a person sitting in the foreground, facing away from the viewer, looking out at a large, stylized wave. The wave and the surroundings are rendered in a striking palette of black, gold, and grey, with the wave's curling forms and splashing droplets creating a dynamic sense of movement. The background is dark, setting off the vivid golds and providing contrast that gives the impression of a night scene, possibly referencing traditional Japanese woodblock print styles. The p…
A beautifully stylized digital artwork that portrays a scene reminiscent of traditional Japanese wave paintings. It features a person sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the composition, silhouetted against a highly detailed and ornate depiction of a wave. The color palette is composed of golden yellows, deep blues, and black, with a touch of white for highlights and details, providing a sense of depth and movement. The wave curls over the figure, creating a dramatic arc that fills the upper …
2024-04-12 07:02:44

Finite-temperature renormalization of Standard Model coupled with gravity, and its implications for cosmology
I. Y. Park